When you purge you get to gain cards from the board, trigger any purge effects, then destroy all cards you have in play. Each of these steps can change your tempo, so working out the tempo change for a purge is probably the most convoluted calculation applicable to Progenitor.
First, you add up the tempo you get for any cards you gain, which is the Energy Requirement of each card plus one. Then add any tempo changes from purge effects. Finally, you destroy all cards you have in play, and thus subtract tempo for all the Energy and Primes you lose. It doesn't matter how a card leaves play, be it an opponent destroying them with a card effect or you purging, you still lose the tempo in exactly the same way. This would seem to imply that building up and purging is a massive waste of time, as almost all the tempo you gain with your plays will be lost again as soon as you purge, but the purge is letting you gain cards from the board, and it's this gain of cards which is the overall tempo increase you are scoring.
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